"All things become possible in a loving community." - Reverend Ron Rice, Founder

"We have gathered here in this sacred place to celebrate and confirm a miracle - for God has moved and God has visited us in this place through ministry. Let there be no doubt about it." These were the words of Reverend Michael Curry at the 10 year anniversary. Those words continue to ring true. Founded in 1973, Crisis Control Ministry has built upon the idea of neighbors helping neighbors.

The idea for a crisis center that goes beyond stop-gap aid for persons in crisis situations was initiated by the Downtown Church Center, a group of downtown churches. Through that vision, the doors of Crisis Control Ministry opened on April 4, 1973. Since then it has grown to be the largest nonprofit provider of short-term emergency assistance serving Forsyth and Stokes Counties. To learn more about the history of Crisis Control Ministry, click the Our History button below.

Throughout the year we will be celebrating our 50th year of service to the community. On April 3, 2023, the eve our 50th anniversary, we hosted a Celebration and Worship Service at First Baptist on Fifth at 7p.m. The Most Reverend Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church and former chair of the board at Crisis Control Ministry in 1980, brought a message of hope and inspiration. The WFU Gospel Choir, the Ardmore brass band, community leaders and young people were all be a part of the service. 

We were honored by the number of people who attended and helped us celebrate. More than 600 people registered to attend. Due to limited seating capacity, we were unable to accommodate all who wanted to attend, but recorded the service to be viewed online.

To view the recording of the service, click the video link below.